Tom Button '79 Headshot

Tom Button '79

Infection Prevention Consultant

Dedicated to nursing and infection prevention

在79年的汤姆·巴顿能够在他选择的护理领域产生影响之前, he had to first break down a few barriers.

When Tom came to Mount Mercy in the late 1970s, 研究表明,男性在护理人员中所占比例不到5%. 事实上,在芒特仁慈学院的40多名毕业生中,汤姆是仅有的两名男性之一 Nursing class of 1979. But after considering other career options, and a short stint in the Navy, he arrived on the Hill focused on following his own path.

“I knew nursing was for me,” Tom recalled. “I knew that was the right thing. 我不知道它会带我去哪里,但这就是目标.”

这最终使他不仅在护理方面取得了成就, 但作为感染预防领域的卫生保健领导者, 这使他当之无愧地获得了2024年慈悲山杰出服务校友奖. Initially, however, 汤姆承认,在以女性为主的护理领域,作为一名男性,对那些对谁应该成为一名护士持过时观点的人提出了一些挑战.

“无论你是谁,你都会遇到障碍,”他说. “You have to persevere and have that positive attitude, and know where the goalposts are, and what you really want to accomplish. That’s how I looked at it.”

No matter who you are, you’re going to run into obstacles. You have to persevere and have that positive attitude, and know where the goalposts are, and what you really want to accomplish. That’s how I looked at it.

Tom Button '79
Infection Prevention Consultant

汤姆很感激Mount Mercy给他的支持,因为他完成了这个项目并开始了他的职业生涯, 特别提到前护理教授首任院长. Mary Tarbox as a valued mentor. As a non-traditional student, 他不住在校园里,有点脱离博彩平台, although he did participate in drama and choir.

Upon graduating with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing, 他在不同的地方从儿科护士转到成人护士, including Miami, Dallas, Atlanta, and Kansas City. 他最初被推入儿科,因为当时男性无法成为分娩护士, 尽管他渴望成为一名助产士(在Mount Mercy医院一位产科讲师的鼓励下). It was a temporary setback, 但他在Mount Mercy医院获得的儿科知识帮助他奠定了后来的职业道路.

It was in McKinney, Texas, in 2003, 他做出了改变职业生涯的决定,接受了一个专门护理领域的职位,担任感染预防主任 & Control, 他的职责包括确保他的医疗保健系统符合政府的感染预防标准. 他接受了几个类似的职位,包括企业感染预防总监 & 2012年在堪萨斯城的杜鲁门医疗中心工作,这让他回到了中西部.

汤姆说:“感染预防专家基本上参与了医疗保健的所有工作. “From facilities, 关注水和空气质量以及建筑对我们的病人和员工的影响,并制定保护环境和保护人民的方法? 我们在护理单位做些什么来确保人们正确注射并使用安全的注射方法? 我们怎样才能通过中心静脉导管预防血液传播感染呢, ventilator associated pneumonia, or a Foley catheter associated UTI? 我们着眼于抗生素的使用,以帮助防止通过不适当使用抗生素而进一步发展多重耐药生物体. 该专业研究卫生保健组织的各个方面,这些方面最终可能为感染的获得或传播给他人提供途径.”

汤姆的专业知识在两次威胁公众健康的疾病爆发期间得到了广泛关注. In October of 2014, 他回应了世界卫生组织的帮助请求,并以顾问的身份在西非塞拉利昂帮助一家医院控制埃博拉疫情.


“我们研究了工作人员如何穿上个人防护装备,以及如何脱下,” he continued. “我们要让他们自己和环境保持清洁,这样他们就不用担心会受到更多的感染. And the good thing is, after we did all of this, 那个组织里没有其他医护人员, in that hospital setting, that developed Ebola.”

在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间,他再次被要求了解这些知识,当时他退休了,协助在加州的医院实施感染预防措施, Texas, and Florida, educating staff for a week or two at a time, despite the danger to his own personal safety.

“我知道我了解良好的感染预防措施,我可以保护自己,” he said. “我想做的是分享这些知识,这样其他人也可以保护自己.”

Tom lives in Kansas City today with his husband, Noberto, and although he no longer works full-time, 他仍然被要求做感染预防方面的咨询工作. Looking back upon his career of accomplishments, 他很感激Mount Mercy为他有影响力的职业生涯奠定了基础.

汤姆说:“我认为任何从事护理工作的人都有提供帮助的愿望. “I think Mount Mercy nurtured it and allowed it to grow.”

我认为任何从事护理工作的人都有提供帮助的愿望. I think Mount Mercy nurtured it and allowed it to grow.

Tom Button '79
Infection Prevention Consultant

汤姆鼓励今天的学生沉浸在整个大学经历中,而不仅仅是学术要求. 他很高兴有机会将他所学到的知识传授给未来的医疗保健领导者.

他说:“我觉得我曾经有过展现自己的机会,现在是回报的时候了。. “所以这真的能够训练其他人,让他们能像我一样追求自己的激情.”


“I 100% chose the right profession,” Tom said. “有太多太多的机会,我一直在和人们谈论护理.”

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